Lessons With A King

Lesson 252: Vote


Lesson 252: Vote
There’s an election coming up. There was the other election. There are times we feel our vote doesn’t matter but you know what? It does. If you want to get your voice heard, go ahead and vote. Register, check out the candidates, and then place your vote. Every vote counts.
PROMPT: When was the last time you voted?
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Lessons With A King

Lesson 251: Take Pictures


Lesson 251: Take Pictures
We all have pretty awesome cameras in our possessions as long as we have a phone so wherever you see cool stuff, stuff you find pretty, stuff you want to remember, pull your phone out and take a picture. there are pictures you look at that immediately evoke certain emotions. Pictures are powerful and you should create them more often.
PROMPT: What was the last picture you took?
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Lessons With A King

Lesson 250: If You Don’t Mean It, Don’t Say It


Lesson 250: If You Don’t Mean It, Don’t Say It
This lesson is pretty simple, if it’s untrue, if you don’t mean it, don’t say it. These days the word “love” gets tossed about a lot. It’s super powerful too so I get it but if you don’t feel a certain way about someone, there’s no need to say you do. It complicates things for everyone including yourself.
PROMPT: Why do you think some people run from responsibility
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Lessons With A King

Lesson 249: Face It Head On


Lesson 249: Face It Head On

Responsibilities come with the position you are given. If it seems like you have a lot of responsibilities all of a sudden, it just means you are at a different position or should be at a different position. That, however, isn’t the focus of today’s lesson. The lesson is that whatever responsibility we have, we should face them head-on. It might seem difficult but it’s the best approach. Be it responsibility, be it punishment, be it lessons, whatever it might be, face it head-on. It will be over before you know it and you can move on with the lessons learned.
PROMPT: Why do you think some people run from responsibility
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Lessons With A King

Lesson 248: Install Redundancies


Lesson 248: Install Redundancies
If you are working on something, you should stay focused on your goal. However,  you should put redundancies in place because the things supporting you on your journey to your goal might stop working which will stall your progress. It shouldn’t just end there either; once that goal is reached, you have to install redundancies because life happens and something might crap out when you least expect it to. Redundancies keep you going because when something spoils you have the replacement ready to go.
PROMPT: What redundancies do you have in your current project?
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