Lessons With A King

Lesson 12: Hindsight Is 20/20


It’s done. Don’t let regret pull you down. Find the lesson and move on. #LessonsWithAKing
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Lessons With A King

Lesson 11: Get Closer To The Light

We are all, always in the spotlight so we should get better at navigating it and even better, we should learn to enjoy it. #LessonsWithAKing
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Lessons With A King

Lesson 10: Shhh


Learn to listen more and talk less. #LessonsWithAKing
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Lessons With A King

Lesson 9: Be As Happy As A Yellow Buggy


I love the song, “Don’t Worry Be Happy”. It might seem cheesy but it is true and my approach is to try to give someone else a reason to smile. Doing that has a powerful effect; it makes them happy and it makes me happy. #LessonsWithAKing
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Lessons With A King

Lesson 8: We Are All Flesh, Blood And Bones


If you prick your finger, no matter your skin colour, you bleed. We are all human beings; think about that when race rears its ugly head. #LessonsWithAKing
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